
  1. Chickpea Flour
  2. All purpose flour,
  3. whole beetroot,
  4. a slice of pineapple,
  5. an egg,
  6. butter or margarine,
  7. cooking oil,
  8. salt and pepper.


  1. Mix the chickpea flour, all purpose flour, salt and pepper together in a bowl.
  2. Mix the egg, molten butter and milk together and add into the dry mixture. 
  3. Make a beetroot puree and sieve 
  4. Let the flour mixture sit for out covered at room temperature covered with a cloth.
  5. After an hour, roll the dough mix o a flat surface and cut into desired shapes.
  6. deep fry them until golden brown and serve with the slice of the fresh pineapple, sprinkle some beetroot puree on top to finish it off.


