The GCHERA WORLD AGRICULTURE PRIZE is the international award of the Global Confederation of Higher Education Associations for the Agricultural and Life Sciences (GCHERA). The Prize aims to encourage the development of the mission of higher education institutions in education, research, innovation and outreach in the agricultural and life sciences by recognizing the distinguished contribution […]
Celebrating Development Commercialization of Indigenous Technology: Inviting Application for National Awards 2020 Technology Development Board (TDB) is a statutory body of Department of Science & Technology (DST). As part of National Technology Day celebration on 11th May every year, TDB presents following three Awards, to industrial concerns who have successfully commercialized an indigenous technology. The […]
AGRICLINICS AND AGRIBUSINESS CENTERS Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, Government of India Agri-Clinics and Agri-Business centres Scheme was launched in April 2002 by Government of India with the objective to supplement the public extension system through committed private extension services at free or nominal cost by educated and trained candidates in a self […]
The conference offers emerging scholar awards to outstanding researchers, exceptional graduates or early academicians who have distinctive enthrallment towards the conference themes. The Award strives in providing a strong professional development opportunity for early career academicians—meeting experts in the field, interacting with colleagues from other parts of the world, and creating networks and long-term relations […]