Celebrating Development Commercialization of Indigenous Technology: Inviting Application for National Awards 2020 Technology Development Board (TDB) is a statutory body of Department of Science & Technology (DST). As part of National Technology Day celebration on 11th May every year, TDB presents following three Awards, to industrial concerns who have successfully commercialized an indigenous technology. The […]
Virtual launch of the Tata-Cornell Institute’s new report, Food, Agriculture, and Nutrition in India 2020: Leveraging Agriculture to Achieve Zero Hunger (FAN 2020), on Tuesday, August 4, from 8-9:30 a.m. EDT / 5:30-7 p.m. IST. FAN 2020 provides an analysis of India’s progress towards achieving Sustainable Development Goal 2—zero hunger. Using district-level data and maps, the […]
The National Sorghum Foundation and BASF are pleased to announce a joint scholarship for the 2020-2021 academic year. “The National Sorghum Foundation is excited to continue to partner with BASF in supporting students who excel in academics, leadership and service in their communities and universities,” National Sorghum Foundation Chairman Larry Lambright said. “We look forward […]