Bhavani Sadana # 931 BTM 4th Stage
First Sector 80 Feet Double Road
Near Vijaya Bank Colony
Bangalore 560076
Email: info@nutriiu.com
nutriiU is a curated health and wellness recipe portal, to provide tailor-made recipes for specific health conditions to strike perfect lifestyle balance. These recipes can be enjoyed by otherwise healthy people too.
Dr. Manjula is a Medical Doctor, Senior Healthcare Management Consultant, and a passionate advocator of Wholesome, Nutritious Food. She is also a Certified Chef, with training in Food Preparation and Cooking (Culinary Arts) from SCAFA Dubai and Diploma Certification from City & Guilds UK. Dr Manjula embarked on a journey to create and recommend few researched recipes to her close circle of friends to better their health issues and overall wellbeing, and thus NutriiU was founded.
Read more – https://nutriiu.com/tag/millets/