Read full article By Kaviraj Khialani @HerZindagi Photo Credit: Her Zindagi
Do you want to adopt a healthy lifestyle to become fit? Read on to know from Celebrity Master Chef Kaviraj why millets are important! When it comes to food, we have various types of items that assist us in staying robust. History says that millets have been grown and eaten in the Indian subcontinent for 5000 years. They are coarse grain, high in nutritional values and rich in protein, vitamins, fibre and quintessential minerals. Millets have for a long time now enjoyed the tag and title of a ‘poor man’s food grain’ relating this to rural India, but lately, we have seen that most people around the world are getting more aware of the uses of this grain and its varietals. Consuming millets can have miraculous benefits on our body, they can boost our health, assist in weight management and increase energy levels besides the best part being a gluten-free ingredient. Most of the people I come across today who are on the fitness run and working on being fit and managing their weight are already fans of millets and have been involving them in their daily diets in many ways.Celebrity Master Chef Kaviraj Tells How Millets Boost Health In Different Ways
Around the World, Asia-Pacific, Barnyard Millet, Browntop Millet, Finger millet, Foxtail Millet, India, Little Millet, Millets and Sorghum, Pearl millet, Sorghum