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Synopsis A resolution to popularise millets was initiated by India with Bangladesh, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Russia and Senegal and was co-sponsored by over 70 nations. It is aimed at raising awareness about the health benefits of the grain and its suitability for cultivation under changing climatic conditions. Prime Minister Narendra Modi on Thursday expressed gratitude to countries which joined India in the UN General Assembly as the organisation adopted by consensus a resolution declaring 2023 the International Year of Millets. The resolution was initiated by India with Bangladesh, Kenya, Nepal, Nigeria, Russia and Senegal and was co-sponsored by over 70 nations. It is aimed at raising awareness about the health benefits of the grain and its suitability for cultivation under changing climati conditions. “India is honoured to be at the forefront of popularising Millets, whose consumption furthers nutrition, food security and welfare of farmers. This also offers research and innovation opportunities for agriculture scientists and start-up communities,” Modi tweeted. “Gratitude to all the nations who initiated and co-sponsored the resolution on International Year of Millets at the @UN. Distinguished delegates were also served delicious Millet Murukku! This is one snack I also relish and urge all of you to try it as well,” he said. While millet cultivation has been historically widespread, its production is declining in many countries. There is an urgent need to promote the nutritional and ecological benefit of millets to consumers, producers, and decision-makers, to improve production efficiencies, research, and development investments and food sector linkages, India’s Permanent Representative to the UN Ambassador T S Tirumurti said.India honoured to be at forefront of popularising millets: PM Modi
Around the World, Asia-Pacific, India, Millets, Millets and Sorghum, Sorghum