Read the original article in The Fence Post Scientists with USDA’s Agricultural Research Service and Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory are working on field trials and genetic studies that could one day double the yields of sorghum, which is one of the world’s most...
Here’s an excerpt from our recent interview with Shalini Rajani of Crazy Kadchi fame. Copy writer to culinary expert is quite a journey, tell us about the key moment which led to who you are today – A millet culinary expert. I still remember the days when I used...
Responsible, intelligent food choices have a positive impact – not only on our health and well-being, but also on the health of our planet. Started in 1992 by K.C. Raghu, a food technologist with around 3 decades of experience in product formulation, analysis, and...
Read full article by Suresh Muthukulam @ Krishi Jagran “The rice eater is weightless like a bird, the one who eats jowar is strong like a wolf; one who eats ragi remains ‘nirogi’(illness-free) throughout his life”- an old Kannada saying. Millet is a dietary staple and...
Read the original article in United News of India A newly developed sorghum hybrid using ICRISAT breeding material was recently given special recognition as the outstanding Forage Hybrid 2019 for revolutionizing forage sorghum production in India. This is significant...