Making India Kuposhan Mukta through Biofortified Crop Varieties

Making India Kuposhan Mukta through Biofortified Crop Varieties

Read full article By Lakshmi Unnithan @ Krishijagaran Photo Credit: Krishi Jagaran There is a substantial percentage of poor population who are unable to afford diverse and nutritious diets and also consume the basic staple food to meet their dietary energy...
Millet and Sorghum Take Center Stage on Farmers’ Plates

Millet and Sorghum Take Center Stage on Farmers’ Plates

Read full article By One Acre Fund News Photo Credit When maize crops were threatened in Kenya, so were our farmers’ livelihoods. An Unanticipated ProblemIf you’ve ever visited Kenya, you have likely come across ugali, a stiff porridge usually made from maize...
Curtailing Protein Deficiency With Protein Complementation

Curtailing Protein Deficiency With Protein Complementation

Read full article by By Beatrice Chinyem Oganah-Ikujenyo @ Leadership Photo Credit: ICRISAT FAO is calling for co-operation and solidarity to help the most vulnerable (low-income earners, children, adolescents, pregnant and lactating mothers) to recover from the...
Eating better – for us and the planet                

Eating better – for us and the planet                

Read full article y Clementine O’Connor @ UN Environment Programme Photo Credit: UN Photo/Fred Noy Industrialized farming has been a reliable way to produce lots of food, at a relatively low cost. But it’s not the bargain it was once believed to be. Unsustainable...