Boost energy, lower cholesterol
Available in various forms, chickpea helps in preserving good health due to the nutrients present in it.

Excellent source of dietary protein
Chickpea is a relatively inexpensive and good source of proteins that serve important roles in growth, development and everyday functioning of the body.

Reduces cholesterol
With high amounts of soluble and insoluble fiber, chickpea is good for lowering low density lipoprotein cholesterol cholesterol levels in the body. Important compounds in chickpea such as isoflavones and phytosterols reduce absorption of cholesterol in the small intestines.

Diabetes and blood pressure
Chickpea contains higher amounts of resistant starch and amylose which are resistant to digestion in the small intestine which results in slower entry of glucose to blood. Phytosterols in chickpea help in reducing blood pressure.

Boosts energy
One cup of chickpeas fulfil 64% of the recommended daily copper intake and 26% of recommended daily iron intake. These two minerals help in energy production in the body.

Protects against cancer
Chickpeas are an important source of selenium, a mineral that supports liver enzyme function and detoxifies cancer-causing compounds from the body. Chickpeas are also a source of folate, which helps in formation of cancer-preventing cells in the body.

Prevents metabolic syndrome
Presence of high levels of manganese in chickpea helps to maintain a healthy metabolism and keeps cardiovascular diseases at bay. It can increase the levels of good cholesterol (high density lipoprotein) and reduce abdominal obesity.

Maintains bowel health
Due to the high fiber content, bowel irregularities are diminished and risk of colon diseases decreases.
Although chickpea contains antinutitional factors they can be reduced or eliminated by soaking and boiling.