High in protein, low in carbs
This high-protein, low-carbohydrate legume affords valuable nutrition.

Lowers blood pressure
Eating a potassium-rich diet helps lower blood pressure by counteracting the effects of sodium. One cup of cooked green gram contains 537 mg of potassium; that’s more than 10% of the recommended daily amount.

Lean source of protein
Green gram, with 14 g of protein per 1-cup serving, fits the bill as an alternative nutrient-rich source of protein to chicken or red meat.

Weight management
Green grams are low in calorie and fat. It is also high in fibre. A 1-cup serving has 15 g of fiber. Fiber in food fills you up and makes you feel satisfied. Studies have shown that when people eat an additional 14g of fiber a day, they eat 10 % fewer calories. Fibre also binds toxins and cholesterol aiding their removal form the body and thereby lowering blood cholesterol which reduces the risk of one getting cardiovascular diseases.

Non-meat source of iron
As a source of iron, green gram can help you meet your daily iron needs. A 1-cup serving contains 2.83 mg. Eating green gram with some food rich in vitamin C such as citrus fruits and green vegetables helps with iron absorption.

Rich source of Folate
Greengrams are rich in folate a very important nutrient especially during pregnancy. Folate prevents birth defects and also ensures optimal development of tissues and cells.